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    human rights China 結果共10筆

  • Over 6,000 gather in Taipei to remember Tiananmen Square

    Discover how over 6,000 people gathered in Taipei to mark the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, showcasing a united stand for democracy and human rights against authoritarianism.
    2024/06/05 13:01
  • MOFA: Taiwan, Vatican deepen ties amid China concerns

    Explore the strengthening ties between Taiwan and the Vatican, focusing on their mutual commitment to religious freedom and human rights. Learn about recent diplomatic and environmental engagements.
    2024/05/22 15:02
  • Blinken to urge China’s restraint during Taiwan inauguration

    U.S. Secretary of State Blinken to visit China, urging restraint during Taiwan’s presidential inauguration and discussing key issues such as drug prohibition, AI security, human rights, and Russia sanctions, while the U.S. reaffirms its consistent Taiwan policy and support for cross-strait dialogue.
    2024/04/22 11:14
  • Eric Chu urges amendments to Taiwan’s national security laws

    Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu warns against the misuse of Taiwan’s five national security laws for infringing human rights and manipulating elections. Amidst discussions on cross-strait relations and following Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, Chu calls for amendments to these laws, criticizing their use as tools for political suppression by the DPP. He advocates for dialogue and peace in cross-strait interactions, urging the DPP to prioritize human rights and constructive engagement over ideological rigidity.
    2024/04/16 17:51
  • DPP candidate champions disability rights amid talk show row

    Human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislative-at-large candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), responds to a controversy involving the online talk show "The Night Night Show with Hello." Chen appreciates the show’s apology for allowing mainland China media personality Wang Zhian to mimic disabled individuals, which was seen as a dig at the DPP and indirectly at Chen. Despite thinking the apology came late, Chen commends Hello and his production team for planning a special segment to discuss the issues faced by disabled and rare disease patients in Taiwan. Chen emphasizes that the core of the criticism lies in whether society can tolerate discrimination against the disabled and respect their right to political participation. He states that this is a human rights issue that transcends ideological and party lines. Chen also mentions that voters needn’t feel obligated to vote for the DPP in 2028, highlighting Taiwan’s democratic freedom and the importance of supporting any political party based on personal beliefs. However, he adds that if Hello and his team find the DPP under Lai Ching-te’s leadership satisfactory within the next four years and genuinely wish to support it, they would be welcomed.
    2024/01/30 17:51
  • KMT and DPP clash in New Taipei campaign rallies

    Presidential candidates from the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held simultaneous campaign rallies in New Taipei City. KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih criticized DPP candidate Lai Ching-te for allegedly belittling the Republic of China (Taiwan) and accused the DPP of corruption. Lai emphasized human rights during his visit to the Luchou Lee Family Historic Estate and promised support for renovating the residence of Lieutenant General Lee, a figure in the resistance against Japanese occupation who was falsely accused and executed during the KMT-led era. Lai highlighted his commitment to economic development and human rights protection.
    2024/01/04 14:44
  • President Tsai stresses diversification amid ECFA concerns

    President Tsai Ing-wen criticizes China’s one-sided trade barriers and emphasizes that bilateral trade relations should not be used as a political tool in her New Year’s address. The tariff preference for certain products under the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) has been suspended as of Jan. 1, 2024. Tsai notes China’s intervention in elections and expresses confidence in the people of Taiwan to make wise decisions. She argues that Taiwan’s industries already have global exposure and are gradually reducing reliance on China. Tsai believes that while the economic benefits of the ECFA are limited, diversifying risks and global positioning are important for Taiwan’s industries. She highlights that China often imposes unilateral trade barriers on other countries for political reasons, citing examples of punitive tariffs and import bans on Lithuania and Australia due to their friendly relationship with Taiwan and criticism of China’s human rights policy in Xinjiang.
    2024/01/02 12:04
  • G7 leaders emphasize Taiwan Strait’s role in global security

    The Group of Seven (G7) leaders convened via video conference to discuss the Taiwan Strait, affirming its importance for international security and prosperity. They reiterated their commitment to the One China policy and called for a peaceful resolution to cross-strait issues. The G7 also expressed readiness to establish a stable relationship with China and voiced opposition to China’s militarization activities in the South China Sea. Human rights concerns in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong were also discussed. The G7 condemned North Korea’s missile testing activities and addressed various other topics such as nuclear safety in Japan, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, and climate change. The discussions highlighted the G7’s attention to urgent global crises, including the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the Gaza crisis.
    2023/12/07 09:10
  • Lai supports adding Chinese students to healthcare system

    DPP chairman and presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has proposed including mainland Chinese students in Taiwan’s healthcare system, citing medical human rights and the strengthening of the epidemic prevention system. Lai’s plan, which treats mainland Chinese students as international students and includes them in the National Health Insurance (NHI) system, has faced objections from some party legislators. However, Lai has stated that after providing necessary clarification, fellow party members have generally accepted the idea. Lai has emphasized the human rights perspective of his proposal and distinguished it from criticism of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for nominating a legislator connected with China. Lai believes that including mainland Chinese students in the NHI system will make the healthcare network more comprehensive, especially after three years of pandemic prevention efforts.
    2023/11/13 12:14
  • Taiwan urges Australian PM to oppose changes in Strait

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) spokesperson, Jeff Liu, urged Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to oppose any changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait to China. Taiwan hopes that Australia will defend its shared interests and values with Taiwan while maintaining stable relations with China. This comes after Albanese’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who claimed that China does not engage in exclusivist blocs or confrontational politics. MOFA disagreed with this statement, citing China’s behavior in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Liu emphasized the shared interests of Taiwan and Australia in upholding freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and ensuring peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. He also highlighted the common Trans-Pacific Partnership interests between the two nations. Liu further noted the steady development of relations between Taiwan and Australia, with Taiwan becoming Australia’s fifth-largest trading partner and fourth-largest export market, while Australia is Taiwan’s leading supplier of energy and mineral resources.
    2023/11/07 17:32
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